Monday, May 5, 2014

Tara Nath Sharma-Versatile Author of essays and fictions along with Matchless Critic

Dr. Tara Nath Sharma is a versatile author of essays and fictions but he is mostly revered as a matchless critic. His first collection of essays entitled Namaste came in the early 1960s. To date some of his major anthologies are Namaste Jamarkaharu, Belayattira Baralinda, μsu Tyasai Chhachalkidai Janchha.
Dr Sharma is also one of the forerunners of a group of linguists that campaigned against the Sanskritised, verbose writing in Nepali. Their movement popularly known as Jharrobad, that is purism, advocated for the cause of plain, pure and simple prose, which is unpolluted, and full of native vocabulary. This has a lasting influence even upon the contemporary writing. Sharma is a strong adherent to what he pronounces.
His essay mostly in the memoir tone reflect the reminiscence of the bygone days. language is very powerful, the style original and moving. Dr. Sharma has been honoured with the Madan Puraskar and Sjha Puraskar, both are very prestigious literary prizes in Nepal.