Thursday, August 6, 2020

Writing Through the Pandemic With The Prasfutan Family

The coronavirus has transformed life as we know it. Schools are closed, we’re confined to our homes and the future feels very uncertain. Why write at a time like this?

For one, we are living through history. Future historians may look back on the journals, essays and art that ordinary people are creating now to tell the story of life during the coronavirus.

But writing can also be deeply therapeutic. It can be a way to express our fears, hopes and joys. It can help us make sense of the world and our place in it.

Plus, even though school buildings are shuttered, that doesn’t mean learning has stopped. Writing can help us reflect on what’s happening in our lives and form new ideas.

We want to help inspire your writing about the corona virus while you learn from home. Below, we offer 12 projects for students, all based on pieces from The Prasfutan Family, including personal narrative essays, editorials, poems, podcasts and any thing whic Each project features a Prasfutan text and prompts to inspire your writing, as well as related resources from The Prasfutan Network to help you develop your craft. Some also offer opportunities to get your work published in, on The Prasfutan Network or elsewhere.

We know this list isn’t nearly complete. If you have ideas for other pandemic-related writing projects, please suggest us. We are suggesting the 12 Ideas for Writing soon. Hope these Ideas will help you to increase your writing skills.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tricks to Write a Masterpiece Essay

Not all of us are gifted with writing skills. Some can write an excellent essay under a minute while others cannot finish even after a day. While it is true that writing is more of innate ability, there are ways to help you write better.

  1. Subject.
    It is impossible to write a good essay if you don’t know what exactly the topic is. Remember that you need to form your thoughts cohesively so that you can convey your message clearly. You cannot just afford to play safe and write without a standpoint; otherwise, you’ll just drafting another set of futile words. 
  2. Thesis Statement.
    If you cling to the technical side of writing an essay, you must pay attention to the thesis statement as well. This part of the piece is consist of two components: first is presenting the topic clearly, and second is conveying your viewpoint. 
  3. Body.
    In any writeup, the ‘body’ contains the meat and the gist of your article. Thus, you need to put extra attention to this part. Make sure you laid the details of your arguments in a way that it will convince the readers in no time. Otherwise, you need to write another essay for the rebuttal.

How to be Inspired in Writing

All writers have motives in writing an article. Most of them write for self-fulfillment, others for profit. Whatever the reason is, you really need some inspirations to write well.

  1. Passion.
    This could be a cliché, but this is true. Most of the writers find happiness in writing an article. For these people, writing is a passion that keeps their life meaningful and worthwhile.
  2. Expression.
    Some capitalize on their skills in writing to share their opinions on specific issues. 
  3. Designation.
    At some point, you will be compelled to write because other people told you to do so. Press releases, promotions, and newspaper advertisements are samples of the paid manuscripts.   Hope you enjoy reading.  BY PRASFUTAN FAMLY.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

This winter vacation we are coming to your city for Creative Writing Workshop. Please message us directly if you want to enlighten yourself with different motivational sessions on Creative Writing. (Pokhara, Kathmandu, Ithari, Nepaljung, Butwal, Nuwakot- Battar, Salleri/Solukhumbu and Dhangadi)