Tuesday, October 22, 2019

everything change, globe gonna change
but why we all stuck in wage,
whats the point of this life,
when u wanna duck positive thing but wanna keep those negative vibe,
why we dont wanna keep our ego and jealousy aside,
its kinda psychic, we in this funny fight,
where loving and helping is crime but killing and raping is fine,
third world kid, never knew nothing
but still wanna see what change is
and whats big dream,
Everyones mission is CREAM(Cash Rules Everything Around Me)
all we want is fake thing and fake team,
thats  our mentality, and im hungry
i dont know whats my hunger is,
i cried vividly when i see my brother and sister with empty tummy
government aint gonna see any trouble, all they wanna do is make their money double,
so, leave them all, u can still be leader while wearing slippers!!!

                                                                           - Niraj Sitaula AKA niraj4real

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