Thursday, August 6, 2020

Writing Through the Pandemic With The Prasfutan Family

The coronavirus has transformed life as we know it. Schools are closed, we’re confined to our homes and the future feels very uncertain. Why write at a time like this?

For one, we are living through history. Future historians may look back on the journals, essays and art that ordinary people are creating now to tell the story of life during the coronavirus.

But writing can also be deeply therapeutic. It can be a way to express our fears, hopes and joys. It can help us make sense of the world and our place in it.

Plus, even though school buildings are shuttered, that doesn’t mean learning has stopped. Writing can help us reflect on what’s happening in our lives and form new ideas.

We want to help inspire your writing about the corona virus while you learn from home. Below, we offer 12 projects for students, all based on pieces from The Prasfutan Family, including personal narrative essays, editorials, poems, podcasts and any thing whic Each project features a Prasfutan text and prompts to inspire your writing, as well as related resources from The Prasfutan Network to help you develop your craft. Some also offer opportunities to get your work published in, on The Prasfutan Network or elsewhere.

We know this list isn’t nearly complete. If you have ideas for other pandemic-related writing projects, please suggest us. We are suggesting the 12 Ideas for Writing soon. Hope these Ideas will help you to increase your writing skills.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tricks to Write a Masterpiece Essay

Not all of us are gifted with writing skills. Some can write an excellent essay under a minute while others cannot finish even after a day. While it is true that writing is more of innate ability, there are ways to help you write better.

  1. Subject.
    It is impossible to write a good essay if you don’t know what exactly the topic is. Remember that you need to form your thoughts cohesively so that you can convey your message clearly. You cannot just afford to play safe and write without a standpoint; otherwise, you’ll just drafting another set of futile words. 
  2. Thesis Statement.
    If you cling to the technical side of writing an essay, you must pay attention to the thesis statement as well. This part of the piece is consist of two components: first is presenting the topic clearly, and second is conveying your viewpoint. 
  3. Body.
    In any writeup, the ‘body’ contains the meat and the gist of your article. Thus, you need to put extra attention to this part. Make sure you laid the details of your arguments in a way that it will convince the readers in no time. Otherwise, you need to write another essay for the rebuttal.

How to be Inspired in Writing

All writers have motives in writing an article. Most of them write for self-fulfillment, others for profit. Whatever the reason is, you really need some inspirations to write well.

  1. Passion.
    This could be a cliché, but this is true. Most of the writers find happiness in writing an article. For these people, writing is a passion that keeps their life meaningful and worthwhile.
  2. Expression.
    Some capitalize on their skills in writing to share their opinions on specific issues. 
  3. Designation.
    At some point, you will be compelled to write because other people told you to do so. Press releases, promotions, and newspaper advertisements are samples of the paid manuscripts.   Hope you enjoy reading.  BY PRASFUTAN FAMLY.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

This winter vacation we are coming to your city for Creative Writing Workshop. Please message us directly if you want to enlighten yourself with different motivational sessions on Creative Writing. (Pokhara, Kathmandu, Ithari, Nepaljung, Butwal, Nuwakot- Battar, Salleri/Solukhumbu and Dhangadi)

Monday, December 16, 2019

Creative Writing Workshop!!!

Prasfutan Family(the most emerging event management organization) in the field of Creative Writings for students,here in Nepal and it works for enhancing creativity,in the field of literature among students, Prasfutan provides golden opportunities to every student so that they can enhance their skills and talent. So, Prasfutan Family is running Creative Writing Workshop in different school and colleges. Main goal of this workshop is to bring out those students who are introvert but are passionate to write and who shows their creativity through their writing. Another reason behind this workshop is to inspire students about how writing can overcome their mental health. We had good participate from southwestern State College, Malpi College and Shivapuri School. We are going around different school colleges to inspire and to involve students in writing. We are not taking any fees from this workshop. This idea was brought down by our young Event Coordinator Mr. Niraj Sitaula who is also a teenage. Hope to have support of everyone who go through this post. thank you!!!

Friday, November 15, 2019


National Inter High School Creative Writing Competition

Hurry up!! Hurry up!!

On the occasion of 111th Laxmi Jayanti, Prasfutan Family invite all the interested students of grade 9,10,11,12 and Advance level course Student to participate  National Inter High School Level Creative Writing Competition 2019 going to be held under the supervision of World Creative Writing Federation.

Rules for the competition :
1.The participants should send their creative writings along with full name ,address, contact number and full name and address  of their Institution at the email address of
Prasfutan Family : within 21st  December 2019(deadline)

2.The creative writings should not exceed more than 200 words  with a distinct title and should be in either pure Nepali language [devnagari] or pure English language.

3.The creative writing should be purely original should not have been published or broadcasted in any media or other competition . If the competing poem is found amended it will be considered invalid and another competitor with the highest rank will be declared winner.

4.One participate should send only one creation. If a participant sends more than one poem then the last one will be nominated for the competition.

5.The panel of judges will be composed of four distinguished personalities of Nepali literature  world. The discussion of the judges will be the final and mandatory. Names of the judges will be published with results.

7.Except the children and relatives of the working committee of Prasfutan Family all other students of any part of the country can take part in the  competition.

7.The first, second and third winners in the competition will  be awarded with medal and a handsome amount of prize money. Certificates will also be given to all participates present on presentation ceremony.

Prasfutan Family
Sundar Bhawan,Lazimpat-2, Kathmandu 
phone: 01-442627, Email:

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

                                                  - PRASFUTAN FAMILY

Monday, October 28, 2019

Born of bodily fluids
guaranteed of an earthly end
Promises of heaven have turned
mortal men into immortal menace.
Those who made up eternal
life will not value the bit
of life that is here and Now.
Life here distorted by promises
of hereafter. Just for you to
know, those who don’t make
it here shall not make it anywhere
It is Here and Here that
the Hereafter is hidden.
Love & Grace
Its all good to be different, if some people cant listen you, you dont have to worry about nothing!! Just bring out your creativity from inside, see poetry is with everyone of us. We all speak metaphorically. So, if you are beginner dont worry just send us your writing!!
                                                                                       - Prasfutan Family

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Almost everyone know this great poem was written by all time greatest poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota who was born right today, in a modern day where everyone judge goddess laxmi with money, Laxmi Parsad devkota was born with the wealth of poetry, kindness and so on!! Read the Poem which means a lot today on the auspicious day of LAXMI (goddess of wealth and also a laxmi prasad devkota the wealth of poetry)

कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री,
कुन मन्दिरमा जाने हो ?
कुन सामग्री पुजा गर्ने
साथ कसोरी लाने हो ?
मानिसहरूका काँध चढी
कुन देवपुरीमा जाने हो ?

हाडहरूका सुन्दर खम्बा
मांस पिण्डका दिवार ।
मस्तिस्कको यो सुनको छाना
इन्द्रियहरुका द्वार !
नसा-नदिका तरल तरङ्ग,
मन्दिर आफू अपार ।

कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री,
कुन मन्दिरको द्वार ?
मनको सुन्दर सिंहासनमा
जगदिश्वरको राज ।
चेतनको यो ज्योति हिरण्य,
उसको शिरको ताज ।

शरिरको यो सुन्दर मन्दिर,
विश्वक्षेत्रको माझ ।
भित्र छ ईश्वर बाहिर आँखा
खोजि हिंडछौ कुन पुर ?
ईश्वर बस्तछ गहिराइमा,
सतह बहन्छौ कति दूर ?

खोजी गर्छौ ? हृदय उगाऊ,
बत्ति बाली तेज प्रचुर 
साथी यात्री बीच सडकमा,
ईश्वर हिंडछ साथ
चुम्दछ ईश्वर काम सुनौला
गरीरहेको हात

छुन्छ तिलस्मी करले उसले,
सेवकहरूको माथ ।
सडक किनारा गाउँछ ईश्वर
चराहरूको तानामा
बोल्दछ ईश्वर मानिसहरूको
पीडा, दु:खको गानामा

दर्शन किन्तु कहीं दिंदैन,
चर्म-चक्षुले कानामा ।
कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री,
कुन नवदेश बिरानामा ?
फर्क फर्क हे ! जाऊ समाऊ,
मानिसहरूको पाउ।
मलम लगाऊ आर्तहरूको,
छहराइरहेको घाउ 
मानिस भई ईश्वरको यो
दिव्य मुहार हँसाऊ 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

National Inter High School Creative Writing Competition

Hurry up!! Hurry up!!

On the occasion of 111th Laxmi Jayanti, Prasfutan Family invite all the interested students of grade 9,10,11,12 and Advance level course Student to participate  National Inter High School Level Creative Writing Competition 2076 going to be held under the supervision of World Creative Writing Federation.

Rules for the competition :
1.The participants should send their creative writings along with full name ,address, contact number and full name and address  of their Institution at the email address of
Prasfutan Family : within 21st  December 2019(deadline)

2.The creative writings should not exceed more than 200 words  with a distinct title and should be in either pure Nepali language [devnagari] or pure English language.

3.The creative writing should be purely original should not have been published or broadcasted in any media or other competition . If the competing poem is found amended it will be considered invalid and another competitor with the highest rank will be declared winner.

4.One participate should send only one creation. If a participant sends more than one poem then the last one will be nominated for the competition.

5.The panel of judges will be composed of four distinguished personalities of Nepali literature  world. The discussion of the judges will be the final and mandatory. Names of the judges will be published with results.

7.Except the children and relatives of the working committee of Prasfutan Family all other students of any part of the country can take part in the  competition.

7.The first, second and third winners in the competition will  be awarded with cash Rs 20000 ,10000 and 5000 respectively. Certificates will also be given to top 10 poets.

Prasfutan Family
Sundar Bhawan,Lazimpat-2, Kathmandu 
phone: 01-442627, Email:

Friday, October 25, 2019

We are please to announce you all that we are all set to take all of your creative writing. Our member are ready to see your thing, Prizes are ready too. So, Hurry Up!!!!!
                                                                                           - Prasfutan Family

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tread lightly, she is near
Under the snow,
Speak gently, she can hear
The daisies grow.

All her bright golden hair
Tarnished with rust,
She that was young and fair
Fallen to dust.

Lily-like, white as snow,
She hardly knew
She was a woman, so
Sweetly she grew.

Coffin-board, heavy stone,
Lie on her breast,
I vex my heart alone,
She is at rest.

Peace, Peace, she cannot hear
Lyre or sonnet,
All my life's buried here,
Heap earth upon it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

everything change, globe gonna change
but why we all stuck in wage,
whats the point of this life,
when u wanna duck positive thing but wanna keep those negative vibe,
why we dont wanna keep our ego and jealousy aside,
its kinda psychic, we in this funny fight,
where loving and helping is crime but killing and raping is fine,
third world kid, never knew nothing
but still wanna see what change is
and whats big dream,
Everyones mission is CREAM(Cash Rules Everything Around Me)
all we want is fake thing and fake team,
thats  our mentality, and im hungry
i dont know whats my hunger is,
i cried vividly when i see my brother and sister with empty tummy
government aint gonna see any trouble, all they wanna do is make their money double,
so, leave them all, u can still be leader while wearing slippers!!!

                                                                           - Niraj Sitaula AKA niraj4real

Monday, October 21, 2019


“Prasfutan Family” is one of the emerging event management organization works for enhancing creativity,in the field of literature among students. We are pleased to announce that National Inter School Poem competition will held every year in Nepal under the supervision of "World Creative Writing Federation", Switzerland, Geneva, which provides golden opportunities to every students around the globe so that they can amplify their skills and talent through their creativity.


People can have at least seven different ways to be intelligent, or smart. One can be word smart (read it, write about it, talk about it, listen to it), number/logic smart (calculate it, reason), picture smart (see it, draw it, visualize it, color it, mind-map it), body smart (build it, act it out, touch it), music smart (sing it, write a poem about it, rap it), people smart (teach it to someone else, learn it in a small group, understand others), and self smart (analyses it, think about it, connect it to your own life, understand yourself). Future successful adults will need to be resourceful and flexible, and use many of these different ways of being smart. For example, there are people who presently earn income by combining science with drama and music, as they make their audiences aware of how scientific discoveries are affecting, or may affect, our lives.

Creative writing can help us to be creative. When you write poetry or other mean of creative writing, you need to use your whole brain; both the left side of your brain (e.g., language and logic) and the right side (e.g., visualization and creativity). These days, many employers are looking for people who can be creative by using their whole brain. We also want our students to be creative problem solvers, and exceptional are those who look at the same things everyone else looks at, but see something different. The rhyme and rhythm of poetry can help us to remember things and make us more creative and also provide us the capabilities to fight with situation and makes us future oriented.

Therefore "Prasfutan Family" is going to organize the event of Creative writing every year under the supervision of “World Creative Writing Federation”. It’s a “National Inter School Poem Competition” and going to held very first time in Nepal. Hope you all support us for this great event.                                  We are coming very soon!

Monday, November 6, 2017

National Inter High School Poem Competition

Hurry up!! Hurry up!!

On the occasion of 111th Laxmi Jayanti, Prasfutan Family invite all the interested students of grade 9,10,11,12 and Advance level course Student to participate  National Inter High School Level Poem Competition 2076 going to be held under the supervision of World Creative Writing Federation.

Rules for the competition :
1.The participants should send their poem along with full name ,address, contact number and full name and address  of their Institution at the email address of
Prasfutan Pariwar : within 21st  November 2019(deadline)

2.The poem should not exceed more than 200 words  with a distinct title and should be in either pure Nepali language [devnagari] or pure English language.

3.The poem should be purely original should not have been published or broadcasted in any media or other competition . If the competing poem is found amended it will be considered invalid and another competitor with the highest rank will be declared winner.

4.One participate should send only one poem. If a participant sends more than one poem then the last one will be nominated for the competition.

5.The panel of judges will be composed of four distinguished personalities of Nepali literature  world. The discission of the judges will be the final and mandatory. Names of the judges will be published with results.

7.Except the children and relatives of the working commetiee of Prasfutan Family all other students of any part of the country can take part in the  competition.

7.The first, second and third winners in the competition will  be awarded with cash Rs 20000 ,10000 and 5000 respectively. Certificates will also be given to top 10 poets.

Prasfutan Family.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Tara Nath Sharma-Versatile Author of essays and fictions along with Matchless Critic

Dr. Tara Nath Sharma is a versatile author of essays and fictions but he is mostly revered as a matchless critic. His first collection of essays entitled Namaste came in the early 1960s. To date some of his major anthologies are Namaste Jamarkaharu, Belayattira Baralinda, μsu Tyasai Chhachalkidai Janchha.
Dr Sharma is also one of the forerunners of a group of linguists that campaigned against the Sanskritised, verbose writing in Nepali. Their movement popularly known as Jharrobad, that is purism, advocated for the cause of plain, pure and simple prose, which is unpolluted, and full of native vocabulary. This has a lasting influence even upon the contemporary writing. Sharma is a strong adherent to what he pronounces.
His essay mostly in the memoir tone reflect the reminiscence of the bygone days. language is very powerful, the style original and moving. Dr. Sharma has been honoured with the Madan Puraskar and Sjha Puraskar, both are very prestigious literary prizes in Nepal.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Promote Yourself: Five Golden Rules for Success

1.) Challenge yourself.
Set goals that make you s-t-r-e-t-c-h. It is a cop-out to make things too easy - always take it to the next level and don't be afraid to fail. I would rather fail trying to do something that made me expand my abilities and work harder than I ever thought I could rather than succeed at doing something I knew I could accomplish with my eyes closed.

2.) Make yourself a brand.
Sit down and decide what you want to be, and what you want people to associate with you. Map it out and then work hard to make it a reality. When people think of me they think of three things: someone that helps organizations with their image and messaging; a captivating and entertaining speaker; a loving husband and father. That is my brand. Who are you?

3.) Realize that happiness isn't something you "obtain".
The sooner you realize that happiness is not something you obtain like a piece of furniture or a job, the more likely you are to achieve it. Most people think they will be happy if they get a promotion, make a sale, start a relationship with someone, or buy a certain kind of car. But happiness is created, not acquired. Have you ever wondered why - as a general rule - people with less are happier than people with more?

4.) Live responsibly.
This has many meanings to me - but basically it means don't ignore injustices, treat others with respect, do what is right for the world and environment, and quit thinking it is "someone else's" job.

5.) Get a dog.
A dog loves you unconditionally. A dog thinks you are the greatest, coolest, smartest, most successful person in the world. Get a dog and work hard to live up to its expectations.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lekhnath Paudyal:The first modern Nepali poet

Lekhnath Paudyal (Nepali: लेखनाथ पौडेल; 1885 AD - 1966 AD) regarded as the founding father of modern Nepali poetry literature (Kabi Shiromani) in twentieth-century. His most important contribution is believed to enrichment and refinement of its language rather than to its philosophical breadth. The best of Lekhnath's poems adhered to the old-fashioned conventions of Sanskrit poetics (kavya ). Lekhnath, the first modern Nepali poet, wrote most valuable classical style of Nepali Poems. His poems are very much popular until today which often mentioned contemporary social and political issues as well. It is believed there were the first glimmerings of the poetic spirit that was to come after him.
Lekhnath was born into a Brahman family in Arghaun-Archale which lies at present Ward No 6, Lekhnath Municipality, Western Part of Nepal in 1885. He received his first lessons from his father then he was sent to the capital, Kathmandu to attend a Sanskrit school. He has gone to holy city of Banaras to continue his higher education.
During his stay in India, his young wife died and he been penniless. During the time he met with little academic success and he spent the next few years of his life seeking work in India. In 1909 he returned to Kathmandu, where he entered the employ of Bhim Shamsher, an important member of the ruling Rana family, as priest and tutor. He retained this post for twenty-five years.
His most popular poem was "A Parrot in a Cage" (Pinjarako Suga) which indirectly shatters the contemporary cruel Rana Regime in Nepal. Most of Lekhnath Paudyal's shorter poems are collected in Lalitya (Delicacy), published in two volumes in 1967 and 1968. His longer works —khanda-kavya and mahakavya —are (with dates of first publication) Ritu Vichara (Contemplation of the Seasons, 1916), Buddhi Vinoda (Enjoyments of Wisdom, 1916), Satya-Kali-Samvada (A Dialogue Between the Degenerate Age and the Age of Truth, 1919), Amar Jyotiko Satya-Smriti (Remembering the Truth of Undying Light, 1951), Taruna Tapasi (The Young Ascetic, 1953), and Mero Rama (My God, 1954). Another epic poem, entitled Ganga-Gauri (Goddess of the Ganges).

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bisheshwar Prasad Koirala (BP)-One of the most well-read and thoughtful writer of Nepalese literature

Bisheshwar Prasad Koirala was born on September 8, 1914 in Banaras, India. He was the second son of Krishna Prasad Koirala who was a leading businessman in Biratnagar. In the beginning, the family was well off but due to the resentment of the then Rana Prime Minister Chandra Shumshere Rana, the family's property in Biratnagar was confiscated. The entire Koirala clan, altogether 45 members, were forced to live in exile in Banaras, India. Since none of them had a job, it was a difficult start.

Banaras proved expensive and they moved to Saharsa District in Bihar. Gradually their financial condition improved. Until he was 14 years old, B.P. studied in a school established by his father; afterwards he joined Harischandra School in the city. He began writing from the ninth grade and his writings started to get published in Indian papers. About this time, he came in contact with reputed Indian writer Sahityakar Munsi Prem Chand. Prem Chand, whom B.P. considered his mentor, taught the young writer the basics of writing. He edited B.P.'s work and published his first story in an established paper called Hans. After this, B.P.'s other stories were published in a well-known paper called Bishal Bharat and in this way, he received a lot of inspiration and encouragement from writers such as Prem Chand, critic Shantipriya Duvedi, and Banarasidas Chaturbedi.

B.P. was also attracted to politics from an early age. As a young student, he was involved in the fight against the British regime in India. Later on, he fought against the Rana regime in Nepal and after its overthrow, he was appointed the first prime minister of Nepal. B.P. was also against the Panchayat system. For this, he was jailed for eight years at Sundarijal. During this time, he wrote some of his best works. In time, his political beliefs grew strong and he passionately wanted to give Nepal a new vision. Through his political activities, he met Mahatma Gandhi, Jawahar Lal Nehru, King Tribhuwan, King Mahendra, King Birendra, and Mao Sedong among others.

In 1930, the British Raj charged him and his brother Matrika Prasad Koirala for having contacts with terrorists. They were arrested and set free after three months. Due to this, his father wanted B.P. to study in Calcutta at Scottish Church College. Krishna Prasad Koirala also felt that his son would receive better opportunities in a big city. B.P. unwillingly joined the college because personally he felt that the city was too big and far away from home. Towards the end of 1930, he left the college and returned to Banaras. In 1932, he completed his intermediate level of studies. His father again insisted that his son join Scottish Church College in Calcultta. So for the second time, B.P. joined the college but left it soon after. In 1934, he completed his bachelor's degree in economics and politics from Banaras Hindu University.

Meanwhile, Chandra Shumshere Rana died and B.P.'s father returned to Nepal. B.P. joined Law College in Calcutta for his postgraduate studies. Around this time, he married Sushila Koirala.

In 1939, B.P.'s first story in Nepali "Indrabadan" was published in a monthly paper Sharada. The story immediately gripped the attention of many people and sent shockwaves throughout the literary circle of Nepal. The story was experimental, unconventional and unlike most previous Nepali stories that are based on myths and are symbolic, "Indrabadan" addressed issues that are still taboo in Nepalese society. It also has psychological and experimental aspects to it. Koirala often said that his writings were heavily influenced by the works of Sigmoid Freud. Most of his writings feature Nepalese women as the protagonists and one can read about their personal experiences. His important works are "Doshi Chasma", "Sumnima", "Tin Ghumti", "Narendra Dai", "Modi Ain", "Hitler Ra Yahudi", and "Babu-Aama-Ra-Chora".

During his stay in Banaras and later on in life, B.P. read a lot and enjoyed the works of Anton Chekov, Andre Gid, Charles Dickens, Robert Browning, Keats, Wordsworth, Hemmingway, Rabindranath Tagore, and others. He used to say that his style was influenced by the Russian writer Anton Chekov. He felt that Tolstoy was the greatest literary personality of the world and considered Bal Krishna Sama and Laxmi Prasad Devkota as the great writers of Nepal.

An interesting aspect of B.P.'s works is that one does not find politics influencing his writings. Although a passionate politician - he was bound to conventional rules and norms of society - he hardly wrote about the constraints of his real life. It seems B.P. was able to place his feet in two different boats and bring both of them successfully to the bank. He once said: "I am one person in politics and a completely different person in literature. In this way, I feel that the two persons inside me are doing two different things and that they have never met. Politics has never influenced my writing." B.P. suffered from throat cancer and died in 1982 in Kathmandu.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Famous Author Krishna Prasad Parajuli is now passed away!

Krishna Prasad Parajuli is perhaps the most popular, and the best-known name among he authors of children's literarary works. He was born on Ashad 24, 1992 BS (July 8, 1935) in Bhamarkot, Kavre as the second son of Pashupati Prasad Parajuli and Mahadevi. Though he has been constantly involved in the field of literary creation since 2007 BS (1950 AD), his first published work "Bhai Lai Chithhi" appeared in the magazine Bal Sakha in 2011 BS (1954 AD).
Ramaila Naani (Part I, 2022 BS/1965 AD; Part II, 2022 BS/1965 AD and Part III, 2025 BS/ 1968 AD), and Chari Aayo (2047 BS/1990 AD) are collections of verses he has contributed for children, while Joontara (2044 BS/1987 AD) is a collection of songs. Sunaula Teen Kura (2027), Chhar Changeri (2028 BS/1971 AD), Lukamari (2030 BS/1973 AD), Sunkeshra (2035 BS/ 1978 AD), Hamri Danfe (2044 BS/1987 AD), Mero Murali (2048 BS/1991 AD), and Phool Jasto Mann (2059 BS/2001 AD) are his collections of stories while Indrini (2061 BS/2004 AD) is a collection of one act plays published so far.
Inspired by folk literature, Parajuli entered this field in such a point when people didn’t even have time to turn their attention to children's literature. The popularity of his works is mainly due to the use of day-to-day words and children's language, linguistic simplicity, attractive and pleasant presentation, musicality, terminal alliteration, entertainining and knowledgeable content.
Finally Litterateur Krishna Prasad Parajuli died at the age of 78 on Thursday night.Well known for his works for children, Parajuli died of diabetes and kidney problem at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) on April 3rd 2014.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Siddicharan Shrestha: A Revolutionary Era Of Nepali Literature

Siddhicharan Shrestha is known as Yugkavi, poet of the era. This is a title that best suited the legendary poet of Nepal. He heralded a new era in the Nepali literature with a strong sense of patriotism and love for nature.
He was born in Okhaldhunga, a north-eastern hilly district, on Jestha 9, 1969 BS as a son of Bishnucharan Shrestha and mother Nirkumari Shrestha. During 1970s, opportunity for learning was rare in Nepal as schools were not available in villages. Even if he came to Kathmandu in his early childhood, he did not get adequate opportunity for learning as attaining knowledge was not duly appreciated during that period. His education was limited to school level.
Siddicharan’s father Bishnucharan was also a writer and he had a great love for Nepali literature. Bishnucharan’s " Sumati" is the first original fiction ever written in Nepali language. This speaks of the fact that Siddicharan grew up in the literary environment at home and got inspiration from his father for writing and devoting in the promotion of Nepali literature. But, unlike his father, he was a revolutionary and progressive writer, for which he was once put behind bar.
Although born in Okhaldhunga, Siddicharan Shrestha moved to Kathmandu at the early age of eight and spent whole of his life in Kathmandu. But his love for nature kept Okhaldhunga always in his mind and heart.
Okhaldhunga is bestowed with natural beauty that had left a deep mark on young Siddicharan that came out in the form of poem called "Okhaldhunga". In this poem, the poet has described Okhaldhunga as a heaven and Kathmandu as a desert. In a stanza of this poem, he says:
"Floating along the waves of destiny,
How I landed on this desert,
But have no regret;
As the sketch of your beauty
Is deeply painted in the core of the heart,
You, my dearest Okhaldhunga".
He had seen both the rural and urban life. The suppression, exploitation and discrimination people had undergone had had a great influence in his mind right from his childhood. Moreover, the revolutionary movements that had brewed in Nepal and India during his time had attracted his mind to the radical political and social changes. His revolutionary feelings were markedly visible in his writings. As revolutionary poet and writer, Siddicharan has given his own introduction in a poetic work this way:
"I am Nepali skilled to climb the hard rock;
Am kind enough to poor and disadvantaged even if they are foes;
Always ready to suck the hot and red blood of the enemies;
Be careful with the Khukuri (sharp-edged knife) I love the most."
This poem is written in a verse with typical meter with the strong word and revolutionary sense that has been an inspiration for many to devote to revolution that had started germinating in the country against the Rana’s family oligarchy. And he kept on firing crusade through pen for generating political and social awareness in the society. This revolutionary zeal continued until the political change in 1951. But the political change in 1951 that brought about democracy and open society also had a big change in Siddicharan’s life and work. The writing after 1951 were clearly different as the writer appeared more concerned with the quality and artistic aspect.
Laxmi Prasad Devkota and Lekhnath Poudyal were his contemporaries. Already inherited a gene of writing from his father, he was further inspired by the literary works of Devkota and Poudyal. But his real literary guru was Riddhi Bahadur Malla. He always felt like writing poems when his parents and relatives read and recited Bhanubhakta Acharya’s Ramayana and some poems of Hom Nath. But this association with Riddhi Bahadur Malla made him a poet as Malla often guided and encouraged Siddicharan to write more.
Siddicharan started writing poems as early as in 1984 BS. The devastation caused by the great earthquake in 1990 BS touched his heart and wrote a poem called "Bhuichalo" (earthquake), which was published in the Gorkhapatra. His literary journey began with the publication of this poem in the Gorkhapatra. In this poem, he has artistically portrayed the magnitude of earthquake and conveyed pains, plights and sufferings of the victims of the earthquake. It is also a symbolic poem that compared the life of the people and situation during the Rana period with the devastating earthquake. Later, several of his poems were published in other literary magazines like "Sharada" and "Nebula."
Siddicharan Shrestha was "a source of inspiration for the young generation of that time" who fought against the autocratic Rana regime, and overthrew it following which the people’s rule was established in Nepal. Although his imaginary power and artistic genre did not match with his contemporaries like Devkota, Poudyal and Balkrishna Sama, Siddicharan ranks equally high along with these three literary luminaries because of his unique style and continued dedication. As his writing and literary works epitomizes the mentality, sentiment and outlook of his time, he is aptly called Yugkabi.
Siddicharan was self-made personality and his continuous dedication and hard work paid off. As a writer he worked in "Sharada", a leading literary magazine of that time, the Gorkhapatra and Khabar newspaper. His writing career got a boost by his association with these papers and magazines. As he was the editor of the Sharada and Gorkhapatra, he had no problem in publishing his poems. Soon he was established as a literary figure in the contemporary Nepali society. He later was chosen as a life-time member of the Nepal Academy ( then Royal Nepal Academy).
His poems touch human sentiment and champion the beauty of nature. His literary works are artistically woven binding together the mental faculty and nature. There is a strong and live link between human sentiment and nature’s language. The streams of ideas, thinking and mental conflict are skillfully portrayed in his famous epic "Urbasi". His works are, thus, at par with the world class literature. Personal feelings, human sentiments and societal things are presented poetically and artistically, which reflect the high quality of Siddicharan’s characteristics. His poems carry universal values and relevance. Some of his poems are equally relevant and heart-touching at present in the same way they carried the meaning and values when they were written.
For him, races and castes, which used to be strictly followed in the contemporary society, were absurd and valued a little. He launched a crusade against exploitation, discrimination and superstition. His advocated an egalitarian society where freedom from fear and freedom from want were best ensured. His message thus is so loud and clear that his poetic works created a sense of stir in the society. This brought a wrath of the autocratic Rana rulers.
Human values, individual liberty and equality are basic tenets that can be found in his writing. "Mero Pratibimba ( My Reflection) truly reflects his belief in equitable society. The political philosophy that was in vogue during that period had deeply influenced the poet, which were visible in his works. More importantly, the political and social crusade that Mahatma Gandhi had launched in India had a big influence on him. Patriotism is well entrenched in his poetic work.
Siddicharan is the poet whose contribution in Nepali literature is huge. He has added one more brick to Romantic Movement in Nepali poetry. Kopila, a collection of his poems, is an example of romantic aspect and love for nature in Shiddicharan’s writing. Another collection of poems is " Mero Pratibimba" which reflects poet’s revolutionary zeal and appeal, whereas the famous epic " Urbasi" portrays poet’s stream of mental conflict. In the poem "Barsa", Siddicharn has written " peace is not possible without revolution". When this poem was published in 1997, the poet was declared a ‘traitor’ by the Rana rulers and was served ten years jail term. But he was released in five years. During his stay in prison, he wrote a reminiscence of jail years. The Rana rulers confiscated several poems and literary works and they were believed to have been destroyed. In fact, some of his works were destroyed before they were published.
Although he is basically a poet, he has made contribution in other areas of writing like essays, stories and plays. In recognition and honour of his literary contribution, Siddicharan Shrestha was conferred with "Kabiratna" title by Chwasapasa literary organization. Nepal Academy honoured him with the prestigious "Prithivi Academic Award", the then highest academic award in Nepal. He died in 2049 that marked the end of an era in Nepali literature.
His works:
Poetry: He has published several collections of his poems. They are: Kopila", Mero Pratibimba, "Tirmir Tara" "Siddhicharan’s Pratinidhi Kabita" and "Matwala", Siswa Dhuswa (in Newari), Baglibadh (poetic play).
Epic: Urbasi, Mangalman, Aanssu, Junkiria.
Reminiscence: Karagar Ka Samjhana ( Recollection of Prison Days).
Apart from above mentioned works, he has written several essays, plays and stories too. His poems deal with love of nature, romantic feelings, human sentiment, strong sense of patriotism, rebellion against the existing social, political and cultural distortion and discrimination.
writerYuba Nath Lamsal
source: Gorkhapatra