Sunday, December 1, 2013

Keep A Poem In Your Pocket

Keep a poem in your pocket
And a picture in your head
And you'll never feel lonely
At night when you're in bed

The little poem will sing to you
The little picture bring to you
A dozen dreams to dance to you
At night when you're in bed.

So...keep a picture in your pocket
And a poem in your head
And you'll never feel lonely
At night when you're in bed.

कसरी भुल्न सक्छु ?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Abhisekh Lamichhane (Pushpanjali School)

Abhisekh Lamichhane (Pushpanjali School), VERSES A Slam Poetry event

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ujjwala Maharjan's Poems

Nepal Unites at Kalmochan - Ujjwala Maharjan's Poems

Bhanubhakta: The First Poet Of Nepal

                                 Bhanubhakta: The First Poet Of Nepal
                       Nepali poet translated the great epic 'Ramayana' from Sanskrit to Nepali

Nepalese people cannot forget the day Ashar 29, "Bhanujayanti"(July 13), the birthday of Bhanubhakta Acharya, who is also more popularly known as "Neplaka Adikavi"(Nepal's original poet).

"Adikavi" in reference to Bhannubhakta had first been used by Motiram Bhatta. While writing a biography of Bhanubhakta in 1981, Motiram described him as Adikavi, not because he was the first poet in Nepali. As Motiram himself recognized, there were many poets before Bhanubhakta. Instead, he argued that Bhanubhakta deserved the title because he was the first poet who wrote with an understanding of the "marma"(inner essence) of poetry.

Bhanubhakta Acharya
©2006 bhanubhakta
Bhanubhakta (1814-1868) was a Nepali poet who translated the great epic "Ramayana" from Sanskrit to Nepali. Born to a Brahmin family in 1814 in Tanahu, he received at home an excellent education with a strong leaning towards religion from his grandfather.

After the fall of the Khas Empire in the 15th century, its language which evolved into present day Nepali was considered bastardized and limited to speech. Sanskrit dominated most of the written texts of South Asia and its influence was particularly strong in Nepal. Brahmins were the teachers, scholars and priests of the society by virtue of their caste. Their education was Sanskrit-oriented since most religious texts of the Hindu religion were in that language.

Many wrote poetry that was too heavily Sanskritized. Bhanubhakta was definitely "the" writer who gained the acceptance of a wide range of people and his creations played a key role in popularizing the written form of the Khas language.

Bhanubhakta's contribution was unique. Children who received an education at the time began their studies with light epics such as the "Ramayan" and graduated to the more complex "Upanishads" and "Vedas." Ram's heroic exploits were highly impressive to Bhanubhakta, so he decided to make the deity more accessible to the people who spoke Khas. (Since the social order did not encourage literacy, most country people did not understand anything when epics were read out to them in Sanskrit.)

When completed, his translation of the Ramayan was so lyrical that it was more like a song than a poem.

Bhanubhakta did not study Western literature. All his ideas and experiences were derived from his native land. This lent such a strong Nepali flavor to his writing that few poets have been able to equal his simple creations in terms of content: a sense of religion, a sense of simplicity, and the warmth of his country are the strongest features of his poetry. Those who read the first lines of the Bhanubhakta Ramayan can clearly feel Nepal in them.

Bhanubhakta was a young boy from a wealthy family and was leading an unremarkable life until he met a grass cutter who wanted to give something to society so that he could be remembered after death too. After listening to the grass cutter Bhanubhakta felt ashamed of himself. So by the inspiring words of the grass cutter, he wrote these lines:

He gives his life to cutting grass and earns little money,
he hopes to make a well for his people
so he will be remembered after death,
this high thinking grass cutter lives in poverty,
I have achieved nothing, though I have much wealth.
I have neither made rest houses nor a well,
all my riches are inside my house.
This grass cutter has opened my eyes today,
my life is worthless if the memory of my existence fades away.

Bhanubhakta wrote two masterpieces in his life. One, obviously, is the "Bhanubhaktey Ramayan" and the other is a letter he wrote in verse form to the prime minister while in prison. Due to some misunderstanding in signing the papers, he was made a scapegoat and put into prison. His health became bad and he was given false hopes of being set free. For a long time his case was not even heard. So he wrote a petition to the all-powerful prime minister requesting his freedom.

Everyday I see kind authorities and they get rid of my worries.
I am at peace and at night I watch dances for free.
I do what my friends - mosquitoes, fleas, and bedbugs - say:
the mosquitoes sing and the ticks dance, I watch their play.
I was jobless, wealth-less, my hard-earned food came from the spade,
I served those people so everyone would notice me and give me respect.
Without wavering I served and they were pleased and they gave
overflowing attention that is never, ever, taken away.
I am 40, I have a son who is eight years old.
The time for celebrating his manhood-ceremony is close.
I am rotting inside these four walls, so what can I do, my Lord?
How can I complete the ceremony in this darkness-filled world.
The secret of success should be given by the father,
the lessons of life should be given by the mother,
my child has yet to study the Vedas and serve his teacher,
therefore to you, my Owner, I repeat my prayer.
Even while a great ruler like you own this earth,
a Brahmin's rituals of manhood are being delayed.
Whose feet do I have to place my sorrow at except yours?
Please take pity on me and decide my case for better or worse.
My body is weak, it is made of grain and water.
How shall I say what has befallen me here?
I have suffered much sorrow, my body grows heavy,
and I have been ill for many days.
I was imprisoned for a long time at Kumarichowk,
illness came upon me there and after much trouble I went home.
When I became well they brought me here,
now you, my Owner, you are my only hope.
Whatever I explained to the authorities in writing is true.
But others' answers and written proofs, I am told,
have proved wrong all that I have said.
I told them I would pay their fines a thousand-fold.
But they say they have signatures on papers and letters,
they say their witnesses have many more tales.
I said I would not plead, I would rather be false,
I will say anything that gets me outside these walls.
I have no wish to spend the rest of my life in this quarrel.
I have no wish to become a millionaire and fill my house with treasures.
Days pass by uselessly and I cannot comfort myself
if you would decide my case it would be a great help.
I have talked with the warden and he does not speak.
Even if he does, his: "tomorrow, tomorrow," sounds like a joke.
What are these tomorrows? It would be better to know I won't be freed.
Many tomorrows passed. Please fill this empty bag of mine, I beg.

Bhanubhakta not only won his freedom with his poem, but was given a bag of money as well. So passed the most dangerous and exciting time of his life. He died in 1868 as a simple man who did not know he would be among the most revered poets of Nepal. Perhaps, it is only he and Laxmi Prasad Devkota that have become literary gods in this country. The only difference between the two is that Devkota's works continue to enjoy as much celebrity as the great poet himself, while Bhanubhakta's fame tends to overshadow his writings.

However, his creation was not published and he was to die without receiving credit for his contribution. It was in 1887 that Moti Ram Bhatta found his manuscript and printed it in Benaras, India. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

हरिमाया भेटवाल

                     भूकम्प झैँ हलिदै तिमी आएपछि
                     मेरो साँझ थरर काम्छ,
                     मेरो सामर्थ्यतामा प्रस्न चिन्ह लाग्छ
                    तिमी आफ्ना कमजोरीहरुलाई
                     भत्काउन नसकेर
                   आफ्नो पैतालाहरुलाई उभ्याउन नसकेर
                                                                           जब मेरो सामु लर्खराऊछौ,
                                                                            त्यो बेला.............
                                                                          तिमीले समातेको भित्तो हुँ म
                                                                          तिमीले सुतेको ओछ्यान हुँ म
                                                                         तिमी मलाई जुत्ता भन्छौ
                                                                        तर तिम्रो दरिलो खुट्टा हुँ म!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"You Do Me No Harm"

The Poem "You Do Me No Harm" 
Yukta Bajracharya and
Ujjwala Maharjan

Monday, July 8, 2013

आमा र घाम

आमा र घाम 

             -हरी माया भेटवाल

• भर्खर शिशु जन्माएकी आमा
र उदाउँदो घाम किन उस्तै लाग्छ मलाई ?
घामले पृथिवी देखेपछि
र मान्छेले भूगोल टेकेपछि
किन उस्तै लाग्छ घाम र मान्छे ?
घामसग कम्पास छ समयको
मान्छे कम्पास बनिरहन्छ
मान्छेभित्र आकासजत्रै विश्वास छ घामको
घाम परिक्रमा गरिरहन्छ
आमाले सन्तान हुर्काएझैँ
घामले पनि हुर्काएकोछ
कैयन् आँप, अम्बा र धानका बोटहरु
राति सुताएजसरी आमाले काखमा
ऊ पनि सुताउँछ र बिस्तारै जान्छ
कुनै अर्को देश ब्युँझाउन
र देखाउछ सिक्काको दुई पाटो जीवन
मलाई थाहा छैन
उता कत्तिको क्रियाशील हुन्छन् मान्छेहरु
पेटकोलागि वा सपनाकोलागि.....
यताजस्तै खोलाकिनारमा बसेर
हथौडाले चिसो ढुङ्गा फोर्छन् कि फोर्दैनन् होला उता मान्छेहरु ?
सन्तान जन्माउने अस्पताल नदेखी
डोकोमै सास छोड्छन कि छोड्दैनन होला
उताका सुत्केरीहरू?
भोकको आगो निभाउन नसकेर
कुवामा हामफाल्छन् कि फाल्दैनन्
होला उताका आमाहरु ?
यता कहिल्यै पुग्दैन चिसो चुलोमा देश
कहिल्यै दुख्दैन अभावमा र मृत्युमा देश
मलाई थाहा छैन उताको देश कस्तो छ
बस् मलाई त यति मात्र थाहा छ
यताजस्तै उदाउँछ होला घाम उता पनि
यताजस्तै फेर्छन् होला मान्छेले सास उता पनि
पानी उसरी नै पर्छ होला,
हावा उसरी नै चल्छ होला
जीवनको उकाली - ओरालीहरूमा
घाम उदाएसम्म गर्भधारण गरिरहन्छन् आमाहरु
र जन्मिरहन्छ होला धर्तीमा सुन्दर घामहरु .... !

(नोट: अन्तरास्ट्रिय पुरस्कार प्राप्त कविता)

बाटोको खोजीमा

बाटोको खोजीमा

इतिहासको छातीमा
गाढेर तीखो डन्डी
फरफराइरहेको झन्डामुनि
मेरो पनि छ-
एउटा मुट्ठी
एकजोर पैताला

खोस्रेर हेर्यौ भने अनुहारहरु
देख्नेछौ मेरो पनि
एउटा दुब्लो नागरिकता
एउटा पुरानो लालपुर्जा
जहाँ मुस्कुराइरहेका हुनेछन
बाउबाजेका बन्धकिमुक्त बूढी औठाहरु |

तिमीलेजस्तै मैले पनि
हिउको फेटा बाँधेर शिरमा
पहाडलाई फनफनी बेरेर घाँटीमा
धुलो उडाउदै दौडेको छु फाटहरुमा

तिमीलाईजस्तै मलाइ पनि
हरेक बिहानीले सलाम ठोकेर जान्छ
हरेक साँझले

नियात्रा: ताल, तालिया र तर्कनाहरू

                                                            ताल, तालिया र तर्कनाहरू


         -मणि लोहनी

   टन्टलापुर घाममा तालको उदेकलाग्दो उकालो। फुङ्ग उडेको ढुंग्यानी पहाड र त्यसको बीचमा मानिसहरूको हातमा रहेको मृत्युरेखाजस्तो बाटो। त्यसो त तालको यो अन्तिम उकालो पनि हो। यो उकालोमा आफू सँगसँगै हिँडिरहेजस्तो लाग्छ, मृत्यु। ढुंग्यानी पहाडमा एकदेखि तीन फुटसम्मको चौडाइमा खोपिएको बाटो र तल एकनासले बगिरहेको गहिरो मस्र्याङ्दी। हिँडाइको ताल बिगि्रयो कि खसियो मस्र्याङ्दीमा। खुट्टामै टाँसिएको छ डर। यही साँघुरो बाटामा भेटिन्छन् भारी बोकेका खच्चडहरू र घन्टीको कर्कश आवाज। यो यात्राभरि मैले कहीँ पनि खच्चडका घाँटीमा झुन्डिएको घन्टबाट निस्किएको आवाजबाट आनन्द लिन सकिनँ। सबै ठाउँमा उही एकनासको एकोहोरो टङटङ। मस्र्याङ्दीको बगाइ र खच्चड घन्टीको आवाजमा खासै भिन्नता रहेन, यो यात्राभरि। खासै आकर्षण पनि रहेन। दुवैमा पीडा मात्र सुनियो। दुःख र अप्ठ्यारो मात्रै।

    साथीहरू सबै पछाडि परेका थिए। ठाकुर -बेलवासे) र म हुलका हुल खच्चडहरूलाई उछिन्दै तालको टुप्पोमा पुग्यौँ। बाटोको सानो क्याफेमा हामीले केही जापानी भेटेका थियौँ। उनीहरू पनि छुटे। हामी उकालियौँ। र, उकालोको टुप्पैमा भेट भयो तालियासँग। सानी मसिनी इजरायली किशोरी तालियासँग।

"तालियाको अर्थ के हुन्छ थाहा छ?" गफिँदै गएपछि मैले सोधेँ।

"हामीकहाँ त यो एउटा धार्मिक मन्त्रको एक आरम्भ हो। तर, यताचाहिँ क्ल्यापिङ्लाई बुझाउँदो रहेछ होइन !" उनले मुस्कुराएजस्तो लाग्यो। इजरायलतिर मणिको अर्थ के हुन्छ होला? मैले कहिल्यै सोचिनँ।

"कसरी थाहा पायौ?" तालको ढोकैमा अडेस लागेर मैले सोधेँ।

"नेपाल आउनुअघि उतै बुझेर आएकी।"

"कोसँग आएको?" ठाकुरले फोटो खिचिरहँदा म उनीतिर नजिकिएँ।

"ड्याड र ममसँग।" कुरा गर्दै हामी तालतिर ओर्लियौँ। बाटैमा छ मस्र्याङ्दी। अघिसम्म सयौँ फिट तल रहेको मस्र्याङ्दी अहिले आफूसँगै छ। हामीले जुत्ता खोलेर खुट्टा पानीमा डुबायौँ। तालिया हामीसँगै ढुंगामा टुसुक्क बसिन् र हाम्रो फोटो खिचिदिइन्। कुरै कुरामा थाहा भयो, यस यात्रामा उनीसँग साथ रहेकी आमा तालियाको आफ्नै आमा भए पनि बाबुचाहिँ झड्केलो रहेछ। उनको आफ्नो बाबु त बन्जी मास्टर भएर बसेको रहेछ, इजरायलको पश्चिमी सहरमा। तालियाका बाबु वर्षौं पहिले नेपालको भोटेकोसीमा बन्जी स्थापना गर्ने बेला नेपाल आएका रहेछन्, विशेषज्ञका रूपमा र डेढ महिना नेपाल बसेका रहेछन्।

"मम त किन आइन् थाहा छैन, मचाहिँ आफ्नो पन भुल्न आएकी।"

"के रे, के भन्यौ?" उनले आफ्नै पाराको अंग्रेजीमा भनेको मैले नबुझेको हो कि भनेर सोधेँ। तर होइन, उनले भनेको नै मैले बुझेको रहेछु। उनी आफ्नो पन भुल्न नै आएकी रहिछिन्। भनिन्, "आफ्नो पनको अनुभूतिले दुःखसिवाय अरू केही दिँदैन।" उनी झर्किइन्, "सम्बन्धसँग घीन लाग्छ मलाई। म भुल्न चाहन्छु, सबै सम्बन्धहरूलाई।" अंग्रेजीमा उनले यसो भनेकी थिइन्, "फक अल रलिेसन्स। आई वान्ट टू फर्गेट इट।"

     तालिया मुस्किलले २४ की भइन् होलिन्। तर, सम्बन्धप्रति यत्रो वितृष्णा? के सम्बन्ध भनेको असन्तुष्टिका पहाड हुन्? र, हामीहरू सब अभिशप्त छौं त्यो पहाड चढ्न... चढिरहन? जुनसुकै परिवेश र भूगोलमा पनि सम्बन्धसँग यो तनाव किन? कि मानिस एक्लै जन्मिन्छ, एक्लै मर्छ भन्ने दर्शन नै सत्य हो? के जिन्दगीमा भेटिने सम्बन्धहरू भरम मात्र हुन्? या दुःख अनुभव गर्नलाई यी सब आवश्यक छन्? सम्झेर म हैरान हुन्छु।

   खिचिक्क। आवाज आएतिर म हेर्छु। मेरो अघिल्तिर तालिया खिलखिलाउँछिन्। एकोहोरो मस्र्याङ्दीतिर हराइरहेको म। फोटो खिचेको आवाजले उनीतिर फर्किन्छु। मेरै फोटो खिचेकी रहिछिन् उनले। उनकै क्यामराले। अलि उता ठाकुर ठूलो ढुंगामा बसेर खुइय्य गर्दै थियो। थाकेको छ ऊ। म पनि थाकेको छु। बिहानदेखि एकनास हिँडेको हिँड्यै छौँ हामी। भोक पनि लागिसक्यो। भोक नलागोस् पनि किन? साढे १२ बजिसक्यो। अब दिन जान कतिबेर लाग्छ र! तालमा नै खाना खाने कार्यक्रम छ।

    लम्पसार सुतेर फैलिएको लामो बस्ती। एकनासका सुन्दर घरहरू। प्रत्येक घरमा रहेको ससाना बगँैचा र ढुंगा छापेको सफा बाटो। यही तालबाट सुरु भयो मनाङ। एउटी गुरुङसेनीको होटलमा छिरेर खाना खान्छौँ। यामले बिहानै फोन गरेर खानाको अर्डर गरसिकेको रहेछ। चिसो ठाउँ, तातो खाना, सिमीको दाल र बिहानदेखिको भोक। खाना अलि बढी नै रुच्छ। खाना खाइसकेलगत्तै होटलको पटाङ्गिनीमा कवि गोष्ठी हुन्छ। सम्भवतः यो यात्राको पहिलो कवि गोष्ठी। स्थानीय आमा समूहकी अध्यक्ष, प्रहरी चौकी इन्चार्ज र स्कुलका हेडमास्टर मञ्चमा बस्छन्। हामीहरू कविता सुनाउँछौँ, यही बाटामा लेखिएका कविता। कविताभरि बिग्रेको बाटो, चिसो परिवेश र गरिबीहरू भेटिन्छन्।

लमजुङको भुलभुलेबाट हाम्रो यात्रामा साथै रहेका एक जना मास्टर यही विद्यालयमा पढाउँदा रहेछन्। यो स्कुलमा उनले पढाएको ११ वर्ष भइसकेछ। उनीसँगै हामी उनले पढाउने स्कुल हेर्न जान्छौँ। "मस्र्याङ्दीको बाढीले स्कुललाई पनि छाडेन," बूढो मास्टरले भने।

    गएको असारमा आएको बाढीले स्कुलको आधा चौर र एउटा भवनको एक कुनो बगाएर लगेछ। मस्र्याङ्दीको धार हेर्दा अझै बगाउने निश्चित छ। गाउँलेले मिलेर अहिलेलाई बालुवा भरेको बोराले थेगेका छन् स्कुल। प्रकृतिले पनि किन दीनदुःखीलाई नै सास्ती दिने होला? मलाई नमज्जा लाग्छ। स्कुलमाथिको विपत्ति देखेपछि भीष्मदाइ कविता लेख्नुहुन्छ। भीष्मदाइको कवितामा स्कुलमाथिको विपत्ति तस्बिरजस्तो उत्रिन्छ। बगाएर लैजानलाई थुप्रै चीजहरू छन् यहाँ। खच्चडले झारेका लादीहरू। मान्छेले गरेका फोहरहरू। बाटो छेकेर ठिङ्ग उभिएका ढुंगाहरू। अज्ञानता, अभाव र फोस्रा अहम्हरू। बगाएर लैजानलाई थुप्रै चीजहरू छन्, यस गाउँमा। तर, मस्र्याङ्दी नदी, यी केहीलाई नबगाएर किन सँधै स्कुल ताकेर बग्छ? र, कहिले सपना खेल्ने चौर बगाउँछ। कहिले सपनाहरू कोपिलाउने भवनको पर्खाल भत्काउँछ।

    तालबाट हामी धारापानीतिर लाग्छौँ। समथल फराकिलो बाटोमा हिँड्दा हिँड्दै श्रीओम दाइ बाटाको एउटा सानो ढुंगामा अल्झिनुहुन्छ र झन्डै झन्डै लडेको। ठाकुरले 'ए ए' भन्दै च्याप्प समाउँछ र तान्छ आफूतिर। संयोग कस्तो रह्यो भने ठाकुरजीको बलले उहाँ रोकिनुहुन्छ र लड्नबाट जोगिनुहुन्छ। गजबको सन्तुलन देखिन्छ। भर्खरै फोटो खिचेको झरना, आफूसँगै फैलिएर बगेको मस्र्याङ्दी, चौरी चररिहेको फाँट र फराकिलो समथर बाटोले हुनुपर्छ, श्रीओम दाइ निर्धक्क हिँडिरहनुभएको थियो र अल्झिनुभयो बाटैको सानो ढुंगामा।

    लगभग तीन बजिसकेको छ, मध्याह्नको। बिहान ६ बजेदेखि हिँड्न सुरु गरेको। थकाइले चुर पारेको छ। अझ खाना खाएपछि शरीर झन् गलेको छ। हिँड्न मन लाग्दैन। तैपनि, मस्र्याङ्दीमाथिको झोलुङ्गे पुल तरेर हामी उकालिन्छौँ चिसा खिरिल पहाडमा।

    बिहान लमजुङको स्याङ्गेबाट आजको यात्रा सुरु गर्दा दिन चमकदार थियो। भर्खरै उदाएको घाममा टल्किएका मस्र्याङ्दीका सेता ढुंगाहरूले लोभ्याएको थियो हामीलाई। स्याङ्गेबाट ओर्लिएर च्याम्जेको घारीमा हामी झन्डै हराएका। ठाउँठाउँमा उन्यू घारीले बाटो पनि लुकाएको। त्यही खोँच परेको भिरालो र चारैतिर झाडीले छेलिएको बाटोमा उभिएर नक्सा हेररिहेकी एक विदेशी यौवनाले मलाई निकै बेर अलमलाएकी थिइन्। साँच्चिकै बाटो अलमलिएर हैरान भएको मलाई उनले नक्सामा बाटो पहिल्याउन लगाइन्। कहाँ सक्नु? एकछिन उनीसँग गफिएँ मात्र, नाम सोध्नै भुलेँ।

    गारो अनुहार, कैलो आँखा र कैलै कपाल। "कहाँसम्म पुग्ने हो?" मैले सोधेथेँ। "थोराङ्ला पुगौँ भनेको तर सक्दिनँ जस्तो छ। हुम्दे पुगेर फर्किन्छु, आकाशबाट।" उनले मलाई हेरनि्। उनका कैला आँखा आकर्षक देखिए। हुम्देमा एयरपोर्ट छ र उनी प्लेनबाट पोखरा फर्किन खोजेकी रहिछिन्।

   "कोसँग आएको?" "ब्वाइफ्रेन्डसँग। तर, ऊ निकै माथि पुगिसक्यो होला।" "तिमी किन पछाडि त!" उनी केही बोलिनन्। ठूलो साइजको एउटा डायरी पल्टाएर देखाइन्। आहा ! कति राम्रो मस्र्याङ्दी। स्याङ्गेको डरलाग्दो पहराको बीचमा बगिरहेको लोभलाग्दो आकर्षक मस्र्याङ्दी बनाएकी रहिछिन् उनले डायरीमा। दुरुस्तै तस्बिरजस्तो। "तिमी शक्तिशाली कलाकार रहिछौ।" म उत्साहित बनेँ। "म कलाको विद्यार्थी मात्र हुँ।" उनी विनम्रतापूर्वक निहुरिएर मुस्कुराइन् मात्र।

     च्याम्जेबाट मस्र्याङ्दीको पुल तरेपछि ठाकुर र म अघि लाग्यौँ। श्रीओम दाजु, भीष्म दाइ, साम्ब पछाडि पर्नुभयो। बिहानको ९ बजेको थियो होला। साततले भीर पार गरेपछि हामीले लामो सास फेर्‍यौँ। बाँचियो भनेर। डरलाग्दो भीरको बाटो ठाकुर र मैले दायाँबायाँ कतै नहेरी पार गर्‍यौँ। डरले बोल्न पनि सकेका थिएनौँ। त्यहीँनेर खच्चडको बथान आइदिएको भए हामी के गथ्यौँ  होला? खच्चडलाई बाटो छाड्ने ठाउँ पनि थिएन। धन्य, खच्चड आएन र हामीले भीर पार गर्‍यौँ।

    चिसो केही खान पाए हुन्थ्यो। केही पाइएन। हामीले एक-एक कप चिया र अन्डा खायौँ। सानो छाप्रोजस्तो पसलमा। पसलमा फुच्ची गुरुङ्नी थिइन्। थाकेकाले उनीसँग बोल्न र जिस्किन पनि मन लागेन। त्यसपछि हामी फेरि उकालियौँ नौतले भीरतिर। अग्लो भएकैले भीरको नाम पनि यस्तो राखेका होलान्, साततले, नौतले। यो नौतले भीर त साततलेभन्दा धेरै नै अग्लो र डरलाग्दो छ।

    बाटाभरि आउने र जाने मान्छेहरू छन्। सानोतिनो मेला नै लागेजस्तो आभास हुन्छ। बाटामा पर्यटक, भरिया र खच्चड व्यापारीहरू मात्र होइन, स्थानीय गाउँलेहरू पनि उत्तिकै भेटिन्छन्। नौतले भीर साँच्चिकै भयङ्करको छ। माथि कहाँ हो कहाँ आकाश छुने पहरा। तल गहिरो खोँच। तल पुछारमा देखिने मसिनो रेखाजस्तो मस्याङ्दी र बडेमानका ढुंगाहरू। भीर र पहरामा खोपेर बनाइएको मसिनो बाटो। तल-माथि हेर्‍यो कि कहाली लाग्ने। मज्जा लिएर फोटो खिच्दै र सरर हावा खाँदै परपरका रमाइला दृश्यहरू हेरौँ भने पनि डर लाग्ने! कहाँ रमाउन सक्नु त्यस ठाउँमा? अहिले सम्झिदा रमाइलो लाग्नु भिन्नै कुरा। तर, त्यतिखेर डरले झन्डै मरेको। त्यतिबेलाको डर सम्झ्यो भने अहिले पनि आङ सिरङि्ग हुन्छ।

   ढुंग्यानी पहरा भएका कारणले पनि होलान्, गाउँलेले बाटो फराकिलो बनाउन नसकेका। सरकारले यो बाटो अलि सुरक्षित र फराकिलो बनाइदिए कति राम्रो हुन्थ्यो। सुरक्षित बाटोमा यात्रुहरू कति रमाई-रमाई उकालिन्थे होलान्। यहाँबाट देखिने सुन्दर दृश्यहरूको रसास्वादन गर्दै मनको धीत मार्थे होलान्, फोटोहरू खिच्थे होलान् र यो क्षणलाई एल्बमका पानाहरूमा सुरक्षित राख्थे होलान्। नौतले भीर सकेर केही बेर समथल बाटो हिँडेलगत्तै सुरु भयो, तालको उकालो। र, तालको उकालो उक्लिँदै गर्दा टुप्पोमै भेट भएको थियो तालियासँग ।  

Thursday, July 4, 2013

सपनाहरु — A Nepali Poem

हामीलाई सँधै, आफ्ना सपनाहरु पछ्याउन भनिन्छ । मैले कहिल्यै बुझ्न सकिन-- कसरी चिन्न सकिन्छ -- "आफ्ना" सपना । यो कविता एस. एल. सी वा प्लस टु पछि म जस्तै अल्मलिएका हरुलाई --

Music by Peter Rudenko
Videography and editing by Sandesh Pandey

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Laxmi Prasad Devkota ko "Pagal Kabita paath" By Meghraj Sharma and Manjul!

Album: Pagal Kabita paath
Singer: Meghraj Sharma and Manjul
Music: Chandra Raj Sharma
Lyrics: Laxmi Prasad Devkota
Company: Music Nepal
Director: Yadav Kharel



Krishna Khadka the emerging singer of Nepal from Kathmandu  is going to perform  the inspirational song written n compose by "Uttam Giri" at  the programme organised by Prasfutan International on the Children's Day this year.

Photo of Krishna Khadka taken  at Dhulikhel

Monday, June 17, 2013

People can have at least seven different ways to be intelligent, or smart. One can be word smart (read it, write about it, talk about it, listen to it), number/logic smart (calculate it, reason), picture smart (see it, draw it, visualize it, colour it, mind-map it), body smart (build it, act it out, touch it), music smart (sing it, write a poem about it, rap it), people smart (teach it to someone else, learn it in a small group, understand others), and self smart (analyses it, think about it, connect it to your own life, understand yourself). Future successful adults will need to be resourceful and flexible, and use many of these different ways of being smart. For example, there are people who presently earn income by combining science with drama and music, as they make their audiences aware of how scientific discoveries are affecting, or may affect, our lives.

Creative writing can help us to be creative. When you write poetry or other mean of creative writing, you need to use your whole brain; both the left side of your brain (e.g., language and logic) and the right side (e.g., visualization and creativity). These days, many employers are looking for people who can be creative by using their whole brain. We also want our students to be creative problem solvers, and exceptional are those who look at the same things everyone else looks at, but see something different.The rhyme and rhythm of poetry can help us to remember things n make us more creative and also provide us the capabilities to fight with situation n makes us future oriented.

Therefore "Prasfutan International" is going to organize the event of Creative writing on September 14th this year. Its a national inter school poem competition and going to held very first time in Nepal.Hope you all support us for this great event.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Prasfutan  International Pvt.Ltd. is pleased to announce that entries are now open for National Inter School Poem Compitition 2070,  National Children's Day, 14 September .  for High School Students.
The prize is facilitated by Prasfutan International  and generously funded by Different Corporate Houses here in Nepal, School students of class 8,9 & 10 can only participate on this competition to share 2 Lakhs prize money and have the opportunity to be published online and in the Book publish by Prasfutan International.
The winner of the poetry prize wins Fifty Thousands rupees and get opportunity to participate on International Students Poem Competition next year.Second, Third and Consolation prize are Twenty Five thousand, Fifteen Thousand and Ten Thousand respectively.

Winners are judged by Momila, Manjul, Mani Lohani) great poets of Nepal
Entry forms are  now available.
For more information, contact  Prasfutan International , Kathmandu, Nepal. email:-  
+9779847245026, +9779841356082,  +9779841357683  +9779849142592 and +9779849855325(mobile number)